THE MOON- Its Magic & Meaning
2 minute
In astrology, the Moon is not only considered one of the planets, but because of its proximity to the Earth, it’s importance is second only to the Sun in a person’s horoscope chart. The Moon’s gravitational pull produces the ebb and flow of the tides. The enchanted astrologers of old associated the Moon with our emotions, our emotional intelligence, our intuition, and the communication of all of these things, which also ebb and flow. The rapid, regular passage of the Moon through the twelve signs of the zodiac is the reason it is related to our habits. Because the Moon changes shape from Full to New on a schedule so close to that of a woman’s menstrual cycle, the Moon is associated with women, fertility, planting, childbirth, mothering, and nurturing in general. It also rules the relationship between a mother and her children, symbolized by the Moon watching over the Earth.
The Moon is always changing her shape as she causes the tides to wax and wane along with her. Consequently, she has come to represent our ever-changing moods, emotions; feelings which wash over us. Yet, as she reflects the Sun’s light, she changes shape in a regular, predictable cycle and so we associate the Moon with habits and responses. The Moon’s period of rotation, or, more simply, the time between full Moons and twenty-eight days and corresponds closely with the menstrual cycle of a woman, linking the Moon with fertility as well as motherhood. The new Moon, unseen but watching over us, represents our intuition, unconscious attitudes, patterns and past conditioning. The Moon rules the breast & stomach.