When This Hamptons House Sells, Money Goes To Charity

Setsuo Ito is the owner of magnificent estate for sale in Water Mill, and when the home sells, he is going to donate ten percent of the sale from the home to victims of the earthquake in Japan.
Mr. Ito is a Japanese-American, and originally put his home on the market for $30 million four years ago and ever since the tsunami’s in Japan happened, he has felt like he wants to give back to his country.
The house is being represented by Saunders, and if it does not sell by August 15, it will be auctioned. The asking price is $9.9 million.
The house was built in 1990, sits on 15 acres of land, has 5 bathrooms and 5 bedrooms, 10,000 square feet and a heated pool. There is also an ocean view and a pyramid building in the backyard.
In the mood to help Japan and buy some real estate?