Ask the Expert: Custom Skin Care, Age-Defying Treatments and Your Personal Beauty

When is the right time to consider Botox treatments? What should be my skincare regimen? Why do men get hair removal? When it comes to personal beauty, there are endless questions. Monique Wisniewski of SpaUnique is here with her answers.

The Question: I saw on your website that you do medi-spa treatments. What’s the difference between a medi-spa skincare treatment and a regular skin-care treatment?
The Answer from Monique Wisniewski of SpaUnique: Medi-spa skin-care treatments are geared to work deeper into the skin’s layers than your average regular “facial.”
Usually, medi-spa skincare treatments are slightly more aggressive, but this does not mean there are any adverse reactions and/or downtime. There are “lunch time” procedures available, meaning you leave with glowing, smooth skin and can return to work, attend a special function or make an important date!
When you see the term medi-spa treatment it usually means there are treatments that may consist of lasers, chemical peels or items that a regular spa would not necessarily carry. The esthetician is experienced in working with such machines and products.
The Question: My husband and I were discussing hair removal and he thought it was just for women. I explained that men get it too.
The Answer from Monique Wisniewski of SpaUnique: The Hamptons is know for its beaches and outdoor activities, especially surfing, boarding and swimming. Some men choose laser hair removal to look and feel better but some choose it for its functional purpose. Wetsuits go on easier—there is less pinching of the skin and pulling of the hair. Common areas for men to receive hair removal are the back, chest, shoulders and arms. It takes about eight consecutive treatments to see great results, and the best time to start these treatments is in the fall/winter/early spring.
The Question: I’m reaching my 40th birthday and considering getting some Botox or some sort of treatment to keep my skin looking youthful. Can you tell me at what age do you it is good to start looking into this sort of thing, and what are some treatments I should think about getting to start this process?
The Answer from Monique Wisniewski of SpaUnique: Botox is great for fine lines in most areas of the face and can look very natural when preformed by an experienced physician. You don’t have to wait until you’re 40. In fact, it is best to start Botox at the earliest onset of fine lines. Of course, you must also make sure Botox is being injected into healthy skin—meaning, monthly treatments will also help rid of these fine lines and wrinkles.
Monthly microdermabrasions, IPL (photofacial) and mild chemical peels are just some ways stimulate the skin, promote collagen growth (which gives you a more youthful appearance), and even-out skin tone (eliminating the unwanted brown spots that also age the skin).
Having a good skincare regimen is also very important. An anti-aging serum is vital, which can be used at any adult age for prevention—our favorite is SkinCeuticals CE ferulic acid. Also, a good moisturizer such as Jeunesse Vitamin Infused Moisturizer, created by SpaUnique, has all the vitamins and hydration your skin needs.
SpaUnique can customize treatments and skincare that best suits your individual needs. For more information, you can contact Monique Wisniewski at 631-482-1882 or visit online at