Hamptons Real Estate Insights from a Buyer’s Agent
When buying real estate in the Hamptons, one of the first questions you may find yourself asking is whether to work with a buyer’s agent or a seller’s agent—and what you need to know about each. We turned to Bill Carroll at Hampton One Real Estate Group for his insights.

The Question: What is the best part of being a buyer’s agent in the Hamptons?
The Answer from Bill Carroll of Hampton One Real Estate Group: There are several “best parts,” but I would say that first and foremost is I get to help people become experts on home buying. And that’s what they really want, because it enables them to confirm whether or not they are making a good deal on their purchase. I don’t want buyers just taking my word for it; I would rather present them all the information and work together to decipher it. Consumers today know how to do the math, and it’s important to them to know they are getting it right. But if they don’t have all the parts of the equation, they may only be able to arrive at a partial answer. That’s just not good enough when you’re spending six and seven figures on a home. I really enjoy sharing my expertise.
What are the parts of the equation that are missing?
The Answer from Bill Carroll of Hampton One Real Estate Group: The parts that the seller’s agent doesn’t tell the buyer because they aren’t required to!
Look, it’s important to understand those agents are doing their job, which is to sell the house they are showing for the highest price possible. When you sell something, you emphasize the best features and downplay the negatives. Unless it’s a major defect, they don’t have to reveal it.
Buyer’s agents act as advisors and consultants. They really don’t care which particular home you purchase and have no allegiance whatsoever to any one home. Their job is to provide as much information as possible to their buyer clients. That allows clients to weigh the information and choose the home that works best for them. Once they have chosen a home, then the focus can turn to the price.
You said there were several best parts about being a buyer’s agent in the Hamptons. What would be another?
The Answer from Bill Carroll of Hampton One Real Estate Group: Loyalty. It’s in my blood. I love being able to give 110% of my loyalty to my buyer clients. When I was working with buyers as “customers,” my loyalty was to the seller but I was spending countless hours with buyers. It was like I had to get ready for a performance: Like me…Trust me…But in the end, remember: My job is to get you to pay as much as you can for a home. Now, my buyers can rest assured anything they confide in me must remain totally confidential, and I will always work in their best interest. No conflicts and going to bat as hard as I can for my clients is a fabulous feeling.
If you have questions for Bill Carroll at Hampton One Real Estate Group, where buyer clients never pay anything additional for their service, you can contact him at (631) 241-8168 or by email at bill@hamptonone.com. You can also ask questions and find answers from Hampton One Real Estate Group on Facebook.