“59 Middle Lane” Set for 2013 Release
EAST HAMPTON: Over 10 years after the brutal murder of his father, Greg Ammon is set to release a documentary of self-discovery, “59 Middle Lane,” in March 2013. Greg Ammon is the son of the late Ted Ammon, the investment banker who was killed in his East Hampton home in October 2001. According to IMDB, the movie will feature Greg and his twin sister, Alexa, as well as members of Greg Ammon’s extended family: Greg Salmeri (Uncle Greg), Bob Williams (Uncle Bon) and Sandra Williams (Aunt Sandi). Seeking answers to questions that have evaded the siblings for years, the twins embark on a road trip through their childhood homes—from East Hampton to Huntsville, Ala., where they were raised by their aunt and uncle, to Medvedivsti, Ukraine, their birthplace, and then New York City—as they attempt to come to terms with the mysteries of their past.