Time to Say Goodbye to Twinkie the Kid

This may be the end for Twinkie the Kid.
Hostess Brands Inc. announced on Friday, November 16, that the already bankrupt company is trying to shut its doors for good. The future does not look good for Riverhead artist Don Duga’s enduring creation Twinkie the Kid.
Reuters reports that the maker of such American classics as Twinkies and Wonder Bread could not get wage and benefit cuts from its thousands of bakery workers on strike. All of Hostess’ 33 US plants have suspended operations as the company begins liquidating its assets.
Twinkie the Kid may yet live, according to a company spokesman who told Reuters that Hostess plans to sell as much of the infrastructure and brands as possible.
The strike from the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union severely hindered Hostess’ operations at several facilities, so the company had to cease its efforts to return from bankruptcy.
Most of Hostess’ 18,500 employees will lose their jobs, including one cheerful, spongy yellow cowboy.
Duga’s other creations, Captain Cupcake, King Ding Dong and Chief Big Wheels will also be out of work.