Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg Will Propose Plastic-Foam Regulation
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has been battling cigarettes, soda and his new target is now plastic foam containers.
During his final State of the City address (video below) on Thursday, the mayor said he will propose a citywide ban on plastic–foam boxes, this will include everything from deli food packaging, to coffee cups, to plastic-foam trays.
It should be noted, that the plastic-foam is not Styrofoam, which is produced by Dow Chemical, which is used for insulation and not for food containers. It’s estimated that the city’s waste includes about 20,000 tons of plastic foam every year.
The restaurant industry responded with a statement that was reported in The New York Times. “We have to consider what the costs will be for both government and the business owners who make the city run,” said Andrew Moesel, a spokesman for the New York State Restaurant Association.
If this ban were to move to the Hamptons, would you be in favor of it?