Robert Chaloner to Be Honored by the SBA
The Southampton Business Alliance will honor Robert Chaloner, the current CEO of Southampton Hospital, for the distinguished title of Businessperson of the Year.
Mr. Chaloner is widely recognized as a leader in Southampon who played a huge role in turning the hospital from a fiscal nightmare to a financially sustainable hospital for Southampton. He became president and CEO of the hospital in 2006. Before he got the job in Southampton, he worked for 30 years in hospital administration.
Southampton Business Alliance President Aram Terchunian said in a press release that, “Bob came to Southampton Hospital in 2006 when they were facing financial crisis, an aging facility infrastructure, staff morale issues and community distrust. During his tenure, the hospital has returned to financial stability and so much more,” Terchunian said. “The hospital’s positive turnaround directly affects the economic outlook of the entire region, making our area a more desirable place to live, work and vacation.”
The Business Alliance Golf Outing will be held on Tuesday, May 7 at Hampton Hills Golf Club in Westhampton. Golf registration and sponsorship information is available at Sponsors to date include Rechler Equity for dinner, East East End Anesthesiologists for luncheon, Suffolk County National Bank for beverage cart and Otis Ford for the hole-in-one contest.