Anybody Else a Little Freaked Out By the IGA Robbery in East Hampton?
I grew up in East Hampton, and I do not recall an armed robbery in broad daylight taking place there ever. I’m sure there have been some in my lifetime, but needless to say, armed robberies are rare in East Hampton.
Last week however, a man robbed the IGA grocery store on North Main Street by pulling out a handgun and demanding money. He then made off with a money bag that contained a few thousand dollars, took off on foot and then hopped into a car which was waiting for him down the street. The robbers are still at large. Detective Lieutenant Chris Anderson, who is well known in East Hampton for being an amazing investigator, is on the case.
The guy who robbed the store was described to have a Jamaican accent, in his early 20s as well as short and black.
I cannot wait to get the press release that Detective Anderson has brought these guys to justice. This kind of stuff isn’t going to be tolerated. Not in East Hampton.