Dining Review: 75 Main for Lunch

It’s no secret that spring fever is here in full force, with everyone in the Dan’s Papers office itching for the weather to turn beachy. But—pleasant surprise—seems that we don’t have to wait until Memorial Day to indulge in the highlights of the season. Case in point: The crowd at 75 Main enjoying lunch, which was noticeably large for a Wednesday in April. Dan’s Papers Senior Editor Stacy and I headed in for a business lunch.
Owner/agile multi-tasker Zach Erdem was in Southampton that day, balancing his dual duties managing the original location and the newly opened Delray Beach namesake. He shared success stories from the 75 Main’s southern outpost, including numerous recollections of Southampton regulars who purposely sought out the fresh digs this past winter. Further indicative of the restaurant’s wide appeal, a group from California who had travelled to New York City for business choose Southampton’s 75 Main over every New York restaurant to have lunch that day. They choppered in.
Like 75 Main Southampton, 75 Main Delray boasts the signature open-window concept. I half-jokingly suggested that Zach host an Open Window Grand Opening—an occasion I definitely plan on celebrating on my own.
He said, “I’m happy in the Hamptons. I love it here. People are nice, like family.” In between breaths, Zach let us know that Southampton’s 75 Main would be undergoing renovations to be completed in time for the summer. Expect a full facelift: new floors, new paint job, new roof and—drum roll—a new chef. Mark Militello has taken his talents away from South Beach and brought his culinary genius to the Hamptons this month. Famous throughout South Florida, Militello stood at the helm of the Delray Beach location this winter to rave reviews.
At Erdem’s suggestion we had the lightest of wines—Sancerre. Local wines on offer included Peconic Bay and Pindar, but we stopped after one glass.
We began the meal with a fantastic spread of tomatoes and burrata cheese. The heirlooms tasted of summer sunshine, and I spread the burrata on top like butter.
Then we shared an arugula salad with pickled beets and rich goat cheese in a light dressing. We both “dug” it.
After enjoying the smattering of appetizers, I ordered a chicken burger. The house-made patty was mixed with veggies and topped with thick-cut red onion and tomato slices, a healthy alternative to the traditional burger. The whole-wheat bun was substantial, making the sandwich at least a mile high. Decadent Parmesan fries served as the ultimate complement. For the carb-conscious, the menu’s Spa Burger offers up a ground chicken patty with Swiss cheese and sides of garden salad and potato salad.
Stacy asserted, “Nothing says ‘summer’ like
75 Main, Sancerre and lobster salad!” She got down to business by following our shared fresh salads with 75 Main’s Lobster Salad, with its endive, basil, grape tomatoes, avocado, lemon and olive oil. She found it “fresh and tasty, mellow.”
Summer Sundays are for brunch. And lucky for Hamptonites, 75 Main was named among the 10 Best Brunch Restaurants on Long Island. Best of all, brunch is served every day—beginning at
11 a.m. Monday–Friday and at 10 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
75 Main, 75 Main Street, Southampton, 631-283-7575, 75main.com