Hamptons Rich Guy Toy #2199: The Martin Jetpack
The Hamptons traffic problem is solved! It’s called the Martin Jetpack.
Can you imagine seeing a Martin Jetpack soaring through the skies while you’re stuck in traffic? Somebody in the Hamptons needs to buy this thing!
According to everything that I’ve read, this jetpack is not only functional, but runs on gasoline and is estimated to cost just $40,000 when it goes into mass production. They are still flying it using a remote control with a test dummy in the cockpit, however, I’m sure there are a couple of Hamptonites who could figure out a way to get around that and tool around in it a bit over Georgica Pond.
“Hey it’s so good to see you! We just came in on our private helicopter and then had our driver bring us to the beach. How’d you get here?”
“My jetpack.”