LAKSHMI's ritual: The Hindu Goddess of Wisdom & Abundance

“Charge up” a glass of water with energy by placing a small, clean amethyst crystal in it and leaving the glass on a window sill in the moonlight (if possible) overnight. In the morning, remove the crystal and face the sunlight while drinking the water which has absorbed LAKSHMI‘s wisdom. Now close your eyes and imagine a beautiful lotus opening up; from a bud to a mature open flower. See it unfolding in the center of your forehead between your eyes, the place where the mystical third eye is found. Recite the following words nine times:
Unveil my eye and let me see,
Reveal what has eluded me.
Let freedom, faith and honesty
Take me far on land and sea.
Whenever you need to rise above your situation or gain perspective, imagine the lotus blooming as you see your third eye opening as well. Be open to the answers you will receive.
Read here about Monte Farber, the Hamptons’ number one psychic.