Derwood Hodgegrass Buys Mike Tyson's Bathtub for $1.2 Million

Derwood Hodgegrass just can’t seem to spend his money fast enough. Just days after being told he would most likely not be permitted to build his 150-yard “Sea-lysium” swimming pool in Southampton, the eccentric billionaire has dropped $1.2 million on Mike Tyson‘s former bathtub. It was delivered to his mansion on Friday.
Tyson bought the 24-karat, solid gold tub as a birthday gift for wife Robin Givens (back when he seemed to want to blow his entire fortune), but it cost the boxer more than $2 million, Hodgegrass explained, adding, “I picked it up at nearly half the cost, and gold is more valuable today.” The billionaire said he intends to put the historic tub in his master bathroom, where he also has a sink made of amethyst. “Oh, it’s just a lark,” Hodgegrass laughed. “Aside from perhaps the death tubs of Marat and Jim Morrison, I’d venture to say few bathtubs have this kind of provenance.”
He would not share exactly where he purchased the tub, and some of Hodgegrass’ staff have expressed doubts that it is actually Tyson’s famous gift, since no pictures of it exist on the internet or anywhere else. “I think Mr. Hodgegrass is just happy to believe it, whether the thing is legit or not,” one staffer said. “But it’s definitely solid gold, and that’s indisputable.”
As for Sea-lysium, Hodgegrass said, “That fight is not over.”
He promises to be back pitching the idea before the Town Board in short order.