Southampton Town Helps Fight Bullying

On October 8th the first of Southampton Town’s Bullying Prevention Month programs had an amazing turnout and featured special guest speaker Helen Atkinson-Barnes from The Retreat, Jamie Issacs, and the Youth Bureau Act TWO Drama Troop.
Councilwoman Christine Scalera, who spearheaded the programs, noted that all of the presenters did an phenomenal job and each offered different ways of dealing with acts of bullying. On October 23 at the Hampton Bays Senior Center at 6:30 p.m., Detective Rory Forrestal from the Suffolk County Police Dept. Computer Crimes Unit will be conducting a presentation on cyber-bullying and social media.
The Town is also holding a Bullying Prevention Month logo contest, and an Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Trainer for Schools with speaker Cynthia Redmond on Wednesday, October 16 at 3:30 p.m.
Pictured above: Josue Mejia, Alison Cappabianca, Assistant Youth Bureau Director Tracy Kolsin Courtney King, Jeremy Schwartz, Jamie Isaacs, Lorenzo Rodriguez, Wayne Stanton and Councilwoman Christine Scalera.
Visit for more information and a variety of anti-bullying resources.