Group Proposes Neptune Beach Club Museum
Despite the Southampton Town Board’s recent vote to buy Neptune Beach Club in East Quogue—and turn it into an African American Coast Guard museum and boardwalk—a small but vocal group is pushing to have the museum honor Neptune’s role in Hamptons history.
“Summers has already been made into that ‘activity center,’” Vinny G said, making air quotes and flexing his muscles outside the shuttered Dune Road beach club on Wednesday morning. “Neptunes is hallowed ground, dude, the last of a dying breed,” he said. “This place deserves to be museum-ed as much as any Coast Guard station, and we already have a collection of items ready for display.”
Vinny G called in two equally muscle-bound pals and stepped back as they placed a large trunk at his feet. “This is just the first wave of donations,” he said, opening the trunk gingerly and placing, with great reverence, various items on a felt mat in front of him.
Among the “treasures,” Vinny G revealed several tennis visors, long ago used up glow sticks and rubber necklaces, a wad of old Neptune Beach Club invites and promotional material, shot glasses, vinyl house music records, tanning oil and a half-used bottle of hair gel. “This is from one of Neptune’s first big men on campus,” he said, invoking the name “Danny Malgioni” before kissing his gold cross necklace and pointing to the overcast sky. “He’s moved on to greener pastures, but Danny’s lats were an inspiration to us all.”
Other displays in the Neptune Beach Club Museum would include a multicolored collection of giveaway sunglasses, old shreds of confetti, flags from the club’s buildings, shot glasses, fake palm trees, an Elmo costume and, Vinny G’s “crown jewel,” the large tiki mask that hung over the DJ booth.
“Of course we’ll also have mad amounts of pictures all over the place with all the babes in bikinis and dudes with the best physiques—dudes that could probably bench a lot,” Vinny G explained. “Like a lot, a lot, you know what I’m sayin’?”
Vinny G and his cadre of supporters—including two investing partners who choose to remain anonymous at this time—are hoping to have “pumpin’ music” playing in the museum at all times, and smoke machines in certain galleries, which would be designed to “recapture the Neptunes experience.”
The group has also expressed interest in getting a liquor license, in order to sell cocktails at the museum and create more authentic “cultural enmeshment,” Vinny G said, explaining that the Neptune Beach Club Museum would almost perfectly recapture this “bangin’ time” in Long Island’s history. “We’re hoping DJ Theo will perform there each Sunday during the summer as well.”
Anyone interested in supporting Vinny G’s Neptune Beach Club Museum, with cash donations or ephemera and historically relevant items, can find him protesting outside the club or at the Southampton Town Board’s next meeting, where he intends to present his plan.
He is currently seeking old Neptune T-shirts, more photos and vintage MDMA pills for a proposed “Ecstasy: Rollin’ Through History” exhibit.