Wildlife Coalition Takes Southold to Court Over Deer Cull
The Wildlife Preservation Coalition of Eastern Long Island, a group created to lobby against the proposed East End deer cull, is seeking an injunction against the Town of Southold, and the two sides are set to duke it out in court next week.
Last week, the Southold Town Board approved expending $25,000 toward the cull, which was initiated by the Long Island Farm Bureau.
The legal action was not unexpected.
“Between the threats and the rhetoric, am I surprised? No,” Southold Supervisor Scott Russell said Friday afternoon.
The coalition is seeking to enjoin Southold from contributing the $25,000 and from contracting with the Long Island Farm Bureau. “We are set to go to court on Wednesday,” Russell said.
“Obviously, whatever decisions comes from the judge, we’ll honor,” he said, though he also underscored that Southold is not the project sponsor for the cull—that’s the farm bureau.
According to Russell, the coalition’s effort is not consistent with the overwhelming view of the Southold community. “I get hundreds of emails on a daily basis from residents who tell us to move forward and stand firm,” he said.