Photos: It's High Time for Seal Spotting on Southampton Beaches

It’s that time of year when seals swim in our local harbors in Southampton and sun themselves on our ocean beaches.
A number of different seal species pass through here in the winters. The seals range in color, from snowy white with dark spots, to almost black.
Many people who see seals on the beach mistakenly think the seals must be in distress, and some have even tried to push the seals back into the water, which can injure the seals. Seals just like to get some sun occasionally, and they will head back into the water on their own when they are ready. However, if a seal appears to be injured, spotters should call the Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation hotline at 631-369-9829.
Send your seal photos to or tag @danspapers on Instagram and Twitter.

Photo credit: Christopher Broich

Photo credit: Christopher Broich