Parrish Art Museum Launches Contemporaries Circle

Just as young art enthusiasts brace themselves for deepest winter on the East End, the Parrish Art Museum launches the Parrish Contemporaries Circle. Designed for art lovers between the ages of 21 and 45, the group will be invited to six art-related events throughout the year, VIP previews of special exhibitions at the Museum, access to private docent-led tours of the exhibitions and reciprocal entry to 700 other museums across North America.
Perhaps best of all, it’s an opportunity for anyone with an interest in art—whether it’s a career, field of study, longtime passion or even a new endeavor—to connect. The age bracket allows for those on the younger end of the spectrum, perhaps having just graduated with a BA in Art History, to learn from someone making strides in the field and, conversely, for a more seasoned art lover to learn what’s going on in current MA/MFA programs and which emerging artists might be the next big thing in the art world.
The programs and events organized for the Parrish Contemporaries Circle also seem to hit the middle ground, with events tailored to suit both a person new to art and a person up to their ears in it, thus allowing both ends and everyone in between to take an interest and feel as though he or she has something to gain. The first event is a visit to The FLAG Art Foundation in Chelsea on January 28—where members will tour the current exhibition, “Disturbing Innocence,” and meet artist Eric Fischl. Programs to follow include a private tour of an art collection in Manhattan; a mid-winter party hosted by David Burke Group New York at Spyglass Rooftop Bar; a cocktail reception and walkthrough of the museum’s exhibition “Chuck Close Photographs” with Parrish Art Museum Director Terrie Sultan; a private tour of the museum’s vault; and studio tours of North Fork artists.
“The Contemporaries Circle speaks to a new generation of museum supporters through peer-to-peer engagement and unique events. The annual membership fee helps the museum continue its mission of fostering connections between individuals, art and artists,” says Parrish Art Museum Director of Development Penelope Dwyer. With a tax-deductible fee of $350, it’s a contribution to the continuation of cultural activity on the East End and to personal growth within a special niche.
The Parrish Contemporaries Circle will also benefit from a steering committee of young professionals from a variety of backgrounds, including Karen Boyer of Elements in Play Fine Art Advisory, Zarah Burnstein, Elizabeth Chabot of Young & Rubicam, Sarah Diehl of David Burke Group, designer Whitney Fairchild, Kathy Murphy of Modern Painters, James Salomon of Salomon Contemporary, Hank Stampfl of David Burke at Bloomingdale’s and Andrew Sugrue of Catterton. “The group is still developing,” according to Sultan, and The Parrish will allow members to occasionally bring guests, thus expanding the group.
The Parrish has a wide range of other membership categories to select from at tax-deductible prices. Memberships include Individual, Family/Dual, Associate, Sponsor, Contributor, Patron, Sustainer and the ultimate, Director’s Circle. Individual memberships and higher are entitled to discounts at the local businesses including Hildreth’s, The Golden Pear, Lamplighter Wines & Liquors, Sara Nightingale Gallery and Bridgehampton Inn & Restaurant, to name a few.
Visit for additional details. To join the Parrish Contemporaries Circle, contact Melissa Gatz,; 631-283-2118 ext. 149.