Jon Stewart Reveals Secret Meeting with Billy Joel
This week on The Daily Show, outgoing host Jon Stewart addressed reports that he had meetings at the White House with President Barack Obama, once in 2011 and once in 2014, and revealed even more “secret meetings” he has had over the years.
“I have been summoned by a surprisingly wide variety of individuals over the years, from tech giants to financial captions to Billy Joel,” Stewart, a North Haven homeowner, said.
He said the thrust of this meetings is always the same: “Jon, why are you such an ass—?”
Stewart did not go into detail about his meeting with Joel, of Sag Harbor, and what prompted it. He did say he’s been “yelled at by some very influential and powerful individuals—and Billy Joel.”
Back in 1999, Stewart reported that Joel may have played his last ever pop concert, and made the joke, “Joel says he’s interested in exploring areas outside of rock, having already mastered mood, schlock and crap.”
Joel stopped by The Daily Show office in response. Stewart said at the time, “The moral of the story: Tease someone long and hard enough and they just might stop by,” later adding, “He was actually very cool about the whole thing, but I was freaked out.”
Watch this week’s segment here and 1999’s “My Day With Billy” segment below.