Nominate Your Favorite Taco for Dan's Best of the Best
Traditional, vegetarian, vegan, fresh lettuce, special sauce, pico de gallo, or cheese. Dan’s Papers loves tacos. Are you a taco connoisseur? Do you know the best places on the North and South forks to get a taco? Why not share your knowledge with the East End community of taco fanatics. Help us find Dan’s Best of the Best Tacos.
The best taco category is now eligible for Dan’s Best of the Best 2015 nominations.
To nominate a restaurant or food truck for the Best of the Best Taco on the South Fork, click here.
To nominate a restaurant or food truck for the Best of the Best Taco on the North Fork, click here.
Individuals can either nominate the previously listed taco restaurants on or can write in businesses that are not yet listed. Already available to review and nominate are Funcho’s Fajita Grill, La Superica and Rumba Rum Bar.
East Enders are welcome to review their favorite businesses and nonprofits in scores of other categories as well. Visit to view all categories.