ARF Fixes Record 98 Cats on National Feral Cat Day

Blowing away its previous record of 56, the Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons fixed 98 feral cats in one day at its Wainscott facility on Friday, October 16.
October 16 was National Feral Cat Day, an annual event founded in 2001 by Alley Cat Allies to raise awareness of feral cats and to promote trap-neuter-release programs, such as ARF’s Operation Cat. These programs are designed to humanely reduce the feral cat population. Operation Cat also includes vaccinations.
ARF reports that Dr. Christine Asaro, with support from Dr. Sarah Alward, spayed 56 female cats and neutered 42 male cats in ARF’s mobile spay/neuter van.
“We are grateful for all the wonderful volunteers who spearheaded this effort by trapping and transporting these community cats, especially this time of year, preventing the cats from having their fall litters,” says Rita Del Rey, ARF’s Operation Cat coordinator.