Seinfeld 'Art Show About Nothing' in Los Angeles
Hamptonite Jerry Seinfeld‘s hit television show, Seinfeld, is being celebrated with a unique Art Show About Nothing at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles.
Despite the fact that Seinfeld has been off the air for more than 15 years, Gallery 1988’s exhibition is proving that its episodes and jokes remain fresh for a lot of people.
An Art Show About Nothing opened on Saturday, October 17 and Gallery 1988 has already sold out of several print editions, including, among others, Cuyler Smith‘s brilliant George Costanza Yankees “Assistant to the Traveling Secretary” baseball cards (top of page), Barry Blankenship‘s moody “Jerry’s Apartment” print, Dan Goodsell’s “Festivus” print and Chris McGuire‘s “The Great Beast” print (bottom of page) featuring George riding a whale—a fanciful interpretation of “The Marine Biologist” episode in which Seinfeld’s bumbling pal saves a whale from suffocating on a golf ball.
Several standouts are still available. Among them, Kiersten Essenpreis‘s nameplate necklaces featuring famous phrases from the show, including “The Jerkstore Called, They’re Running Out of You,” and “The Sea Was Angry That Day My Friends”—another reference to “The Marine Biologist” episode; and castlepöp‘s “No Soup For You” print, referencing the famous “Soup Nazi” with a classic NYC Greek coffee cup.
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Clearly, Seinfeld has an enduring legacy and will continue a long life in syndication.
Open since 2004, Gallery 1988 has seen as many as 2,500 people, including celebrity fans, at their opening receptions, and they’ve done various themed shows through partnerships with corporations like The Walt Disney Company, Capcom and Mattel exhibiting works inspired by their products and history.
Visit Gallery 1988 and see all the pictures from An Art Show About Nothing and more at