Howard Stern Supports Trump's National Conceal Carry Policy

On his SiriusXM radio show Tuesday, Southampton resident Howard Stern told listeners that he agrees with Donald Trump‘s proposed policy that a gun owner’s concealed carry permits should not just be valid in the state where it was issued—but in all states.
“He said the Second Amendment was going to be safe and protected under his presidency,” Stern’s sidekick and co-host Robin Quivers says in the broadcast, noting that Trump may be considering making the right to carry national.
“If you think about it, if somebody is a legal and responsible gun owner, let’s say in Massachusetts, why when he crosses the border is he suddenly an outlaw?” Stern says.
Gun ownership laws currently vary from state to state, and, Quivers explains, concealed carry permits, which allow people to carry a firearm hidden on their person, are only valid in the state in which they were issued. “If you go from state to state, you are breaking the law if you continue to carry your gun,” Quivers adds. “If it was national you would just be able to carry in any state.”
“Makes total sense,” Stern interjects. “I support that.”
Quivers continues, “Many people who have carry permits, the majority of them, are the most law-abiding people in the country, so why not give them the right to carry wherever they are?”
“What if you got a license [to drive] in Maryland and then you’re driving, and every state you went into you had to get another license?” Stern says, explaining his support of national reciprocity. “It doesn’t make any sense…and that’s how it is with marijuana, which is ridiculous too.”
There are currently four different bills in the House and Senate supporting national concealed carry reciprocity, and the idea is gaining momentum in all 50 states. With a Republicans controlling both chambers of the legislature, it’s a good bet Trump could get this signed into law very early in his presidency. According to, President Trump could also legalize silencers, end gun-free zones on military bases, reform background checks and allow the reimportation of historically significant firearms.
Listen to Stern and Quivers discuss national concealed carry reciprocity below.