Angora Heir Luke Llamas Jr. Arrested for Bunny Exploitation
This past week, acting on a tip from an anonymous animal rights activist, the Hamptons Police Department arrested Luke Llamas Jr. the son of local business magnate Luke Llamas.
According to information released to the media, the 22-year-old was arrested for impeding police business and on suspicion of allowing dangerous working conditions to exist in the family-owned, Amagansett-based textile manufactory, The Angora Mill. While few people have ever been known to enter the heavily-guarded site of the mammoth factory, it’s assumed that hundreds, perhaps over a thousand, Angora rabbits are employed there.
“They churn out a lot of woolen products from that place,” Hamptons Police spokesman Larry Hirsch says, “so you know there’s gotta be a lot of bunnies in there. And, as far as we can tell, nobody’s ever been inside to inspect the conditions under which the rabbits are working.”
According to Hirsch, after receiving anonymous information from “an undercover operative within the Angora Mill organization,” police obtained a warrant and officers attempted to enter the grounds of the factory on Thursday, but Llamas Jr. prevented the officers from doing so. “Police were unable to enter the locked factory buildings, and Llamas Jr. refused to unlock them,” says Hirsch.
After some discussion, the decision was made to arrest Llamas Jr. in order to pressure him to allow a complete inspection of the working and living facilities of his Angoras. On Friday, in response to the arrest of his son, the elder Llamas issued a statement. It reads, in part: “The Llamas Angora Mill produces the finest rabbit wool products in the world. We treat our bunnies so well it’s crazy! My son is a high-quality person and we all should applaud his important work making soft, hypo-allergenic woolen goods.”