ARF Offers Dog Training and Extended Hours in August

The Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons (ARF) is extending adoption hours in August, and training classes begin August 4.
ARF provides shelter, safety and care for East End cats and dogs while they await adoption into new forever homes. The Adoption Center, located at 124 Daniels Hole Road in Wainscott, is extending its adoption center hours to 11 a.m.–7 p.m. on Fridays, and 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Thursday in August.
Taught by instructor Matthew Posnick, dog training classes commence at ARF on August 4, 5 and 6. Open to the public, these classes help owners bond with their dogs while learning ways of obedience and friendship. Some commands that your new pup will learn include “stay or stand,” “leave it” and “no jumping.”

The non-profit offers a wide variety of affordable classes, including Off-Leash Dog Obedience, Puppy Kindergarten, One On One Obedience, Dog Agility: Beginner & Advanced, Therapy Dog Prep Class, Scent Work & Tracking: Beginner & Advanced, and Shy Dog Socialization.
At $150 for five sessions, and $125 for dogs adopted from ARF within the last 12 months, classes are affordable and readily available.
“We train the mind of the dog as well as the body,” Posnick, the instructor, says. “I think it’s very important today that people come home with an adopted dog, that they bond with the dog through a working relationship.”
Owner attending class should bring a 6-foot leash, a properly fitting collar and appropriate footwear, such as sneakers.
For more information about training classes or to register, visit
To learn more about the adoption center and its new hours, email