Hamptons Real Estate By the Numbers: November 2017

Our sister site and monthly magazine, Behind the Hedges (BehindtheHedges.com), offers an index of Hamptons real estate by the numbers for November 2017. Read these tidbits and factoids, and feel satisfied knowing a little bit more than most about East End properties, history and more. Or, store them deep in your brain now and impress friends and colleagues at cocktail parties later.
Reputed 2017 sale price of Grey Gardens estate – $14,000,000
Price paid for Grey Gardens, 1979 – $220,000
The 1979 price adjusted for inflation – $747,936
Number of dead cats found in Grey Gardens, 1979 – 52
When wild turkeys disappeared from Long Island – Late 19th century
Number of wild turkeys released into the wild in 1992 and 1993 – 49
Estimated number of wild turkeys today – More than 3,000
Year the sagabon, a local tuber, received its Latin name, Apios americana – 1787
Year “Sag Harbor” first appears as a name – 1730
Year the oldest house in Sag Harbor was built – 1693
Size of Cranberry Bog County Park in Riverhead, what remains of an old cranberry-growing operation – 165 acres
Number of cranberry bogs, Napeague – at least 5
Asking price of 421 Cranberry Hole Road, Amagansett – $6.5 million