East Hampton Teen Alexander Sigua Pintado's Ivy League Sweep
The valedictorian of East Hampton High School this year is Alexander “Nick” Sigua Pintado, and besides having the highest grades in the school he’s now heard from seven of the eight Ivy League schools he applied to.
He’s been accepted at Harvard, Yale, Brown, Penn, Columbia, Cornell and Dartmouth. Princeton is pending.
Seven of eight is a rare feat indeed, though several other East End kids have won seven of the eight over the years. It’s also true that every such student, including this one, has been the son or daughter of immigrants.
Well, we are all children or descendants of immigrants. Even The Donald.
If he gets into Princeton, Pintado will have achieved the “Ivy League Sweep,” as it is known, an even greater feat.
We await the news.
Meanwhile, he’s let it be known that Harvard has always been his dream.
Come on, Princeton, make it eight. He’s not going there.
With a 3% acceptance rate in the Ivies, since you know Nick won’t take up a space, help him get the sweep.