Easter Egg Hunt Goes Rotten in Northwest Woods

Police are still searching for a pair of youngsters who set off into Northwest Woods on April 1 on what they planned as an “epic Easter egg hunt.”
“They set off Easter Sunday early,” Hamptons Police spokesman Larry Hirsch says. “When they hadn’t returned by Tuesday dinnertime, their parents started to get worried.”
According to Hirsch, the two 10-year-old boys who are missing had been disappointed in their candy hauls at the conventional, sanctioned Easter egg hunts that took place in the days leading up to Easter.
“These guys were sick of the penny candy Easter scene and were looking to make the big score,” Hirsch continued.
Responding to their disgruntlement, an older relative of one of the boys told the duo what investigators are calling a “tall tale” about the “Easter Bunny’s lair” in Northwest Woods. Hirsch says the man assured the boys that mountains of solid chocolate bunnies and Cadbury Creme Eggs are hidden in the wilds of East Hampton.
“He was just teasing them, like you do with 10-year-olds,” Hirsch says. “We don’t blame him in any way—he was just having a giggle at the kids’ expense!”
The youngsters obviously took the story seriously, because when they left on Easter Sunday they brought with them several large potato sacks to carry what they must have anticipated would be a jackpot of Easter candy. While the boys haven’t been heard from in more than a week, at this point police are still urging calm as they continue the search.
As Hirsch points out, the two would not be the first to spend some time lost in Northwest Woods.
“Last time I drove up there, I got stuck in a loop and didn’t get home for three days!” he added. “We’ll find these kids.”