Glass Ceiling Shatters: #MeToo Changes Office Paradigm
The #MeToo movement is going to have an amazing unexpected result. The glass ceiling concept will end. Quickly.
Before #MeToo, an employer might quietly think that, because of childbearing and child-raising considerations, a woman might be more likely to leave a business prematurely and thus should not be considered for a high-level position. They’d hire a man.
It was the old hunter vs. nurturer argument.
But now with #MeToo, things change. The possibility now exists that a man angling to get a high-level position at a large corporation might be suddenly snatched into resigning because he can’t keep his hands to himself.
He’s shamed and gone. From a glass ceiling perspective, this evens the score.
So who should replace New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman? He was very effective in his work. Another talented man? No, maybe a talented woman.
That’s not going to happen to her. Better if a woman.