'A Night Out with an Artist' Continues with Virva Hinnemo, George Negroponte

“A Night Out with an Artist,” the series that combines Golden Eagle Art workshops with Nick & Toni’s dinner, continues on May 9 with spouses George Negroponte and Virva Hinnemo. The two-part event kicks off at 5:30 p.m. with a class on the dynamic art of collage, taught by Negroponte and Hinnemo at the Golden Eagle Studio 144. After the workshop, participants join the artists at Nick & Toni’s in East Hampton, where they’ll enjoy a specially priced two-course meal and discuss the Arts. Tickets to this exciting evening are $75.
Negroponte studied art at Yale University with Bernard Chaet and William Bailey. Since graduating, he has exhibited his artwork in 18 solo shows and has been featured in New York City’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, Greece’s Skoufa Gallery and many more. He has taught painting and drawing for over two decades at The Studio School, Parsons School of Design, Princeton University and The School of Visual Arts. He worked for The Drawing Center in Manhattan for three decades, first as Co-Chairman beginning in 1997, and then as the first President in 2002. He now works as a fundraising consultant for non-profit organizations in New York and continues to create art in his East Hampton studio.
His wife Hinnemo has a background in still-life painting but transitioned into simpler cardboard paintings in 2015. Her art has been displayed at Anita Rogers Gallery, Ille Arts, Halsey Mckay Gallery and the Parrish Art Museum. She has also worked with students from Springs and John M. Marshall Schools through Project Most.
Their workshop will teach the basic principles of working with paper, fabric, wood and more. Participants should be prepared to cut, tear, paint, rip, glue, unglue and wrestle these materials into playful collages.
A Night Out with Virva Hinnemo and George Negroponte takes place on May 9 from 5:30–9:30 p.m., starting at the Golden Eagle Studio 144 (144 North Main Street, East Hampton) and ending at Nick & Toni’s (136 North Main Street, East Hampton) The $75 tickets include the art class, supplies, dinner, tax and tip.
Each night has a limited number of seats, and spaces must be reserved at least two days in advance at goldeneagleart.com. “A Night Out with an Artist” continues with Janet Jennings on May 16, Michele Dragonetti on May 23 and Roisin Bateman on May 30.