Shop ’Til You Drop: Find East End Father's Day 2018 Gifts for Dad

If your dad asks if you want to hear a joke about home construction, you should always humor him. A good #dadjoke hardly ever fails to entertain, after all. But maybe you can tell him one of your own this weekend, it being Father’s Day and all. How about: The shovel was a ground-breaking invention? If you’re not the joking type, just go buy him a present.
Sure, dads can fix anything. But sometimes they like a little help. For those rare and special occasions call Southampton Handy Man. The services include deck design and construction, custom carpentry, house staining, sealing and painting, window and door replacement and more. 50 Hill Street, Southampton #226, Southampton. 631-287-9277,
Fuel your everyday life with Paraco propane delivery. Does dad need a refill for his grill, fire pit, generator or any other home appliances? Paraco provides propane delivery for the best of life’s moments and total peace of mind. 631-353-0413,

When you make your home on the East End, can there be better way to say Happy Father’s Day than to take dad to the 118th U.S Open at Shinnecock Hills Golf Club in Southampton? There are a half-dozen ticket options, ranging from General Admission to Hampton Club and Travel and Fan Experience Packages. The first round will be played Thursday, June 14; the second round on Friday; the third round on Saturday; and the final round on Sunday. A detailed list of packages, and what each entitles ticket holders to can be found online at
Tell dad to take it easy. Stop & Shop recently announced that HelloFresh meal kits will be available in all their stores, including the Southampton and East Hampton locations. The chef-curated meals feature natural ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes. HelloFresh will offer five different meal kits at Stop & Shop stores, including Chickpea Couscous, Homestyle Meatloaf, Peppercorn Steak, Mediterranean Style Chicken and Paprika Chicken. Meal kit prices will range from $14.99 to $19.99.
Is your dad a late night connoisseur? A junk food junkie looking for something other than last night’s leftover Chinese to graze before dinner? Well, nightfood snack bars are specially formulated for nighttime. With less sugar than a cup of milk, it’s easy on the calories, high in fiber and just the right amount of protein to be a zero-guilt before-bed snack.
Does dad want more love around the house? The Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons (ARF) recently launched a new social media campaign, #ARFRESCUELOVE, created by ARF adopter—and well know Ad Man—Neil Kraft (he’s the man behind the iconic Marky Mark and Kate Moss Calvin Klein ads) and ARF board member Amy Sullivan, to bring attention to ARF’s rescue missions. The two reached out to photographer Francine Fleischer, who turned the ARF conference room into a makeshift studio over the winter. An inaugural exhibition of the #ARFRESCUELOVE photographs are on display now at the recently restored Madoo Conservancy at 618 Sagg Main Road in Sagaponack.,

When the adult coloring book craze hit the Hamptons, Hamptons entrepreneurs couldn’t be left out. Greenport’s Jake Rose began a series of Hamptons-centric coloring books with Color Greenport. He moved onto Riverhead, Sag Harbor and the North Fork. Now, Rose takes an all-encompassing look at the South Fork with Color the Hamptons, filled with iconic buildings, including the Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center, Stephen Talkhouse, the Montauk Lighthouse and points in between. The Color Our Town series, seven different books and four sets of color yourself postcards, can be found throughout the East End and at
There’s plenty of time to have your dad styling on National Sunglasses Day, which is June 27. Just a suggestion.