Annual Blessing of the Animals Runs Amok in Napeague
An annual Blessing of the Animals service got out of control last Sunday at the historic Little Chapel at Napeague. A large number of animals somehow escaped the clutches of their owners and ran amuck in the Chapel and in the surrounding neighborhood.
The Hamptons Police dispatched its animal control team to the scene to aid in recovering the animals, but the officers arrived to find a chaotic tableau.
“Talk about a sermon making you want to crawl up the wall,” quipped Hamptons Police spokesman Larry Hirsch. “By the time we got there, a bunch of collared lizards were doing just that!”
Meanwhile, excited dogs had broken free from their leashes and were leaping after the lizards, trying to grab them with their teeth, Hirsch says. “The lizards were too quick for the dogs, luckily,” Hirsch adds.
At the same time, a catfight of epic proportions was underway on the altar, and several churchgoers had been bloodied in their attempts to separate sparring felines from each other.
“If our officers had arrived earlier, they certainly would have advised against any intervention,” Hirsch says. “Little Frisky may be cute and cuddly at home, but set him among a couple of strange cats and the instincts take over.”
The animal control officers deployed specialists in armored suits to approach and subdue the furious cats.