David Lys Debates Manny Vilar
The East Hampton Group for Good Government and East Hampton Library will sponsor a debate between the candidates for East Hampton Town Board, David Lys and Manny Vilar. The debate will be held at the East Hampton Library on Tuesday, October 23, at 7:30 PM and will be televised by LTV on Channel 20.
Election Day is November 6 with the following registration deadlines: October 30 is the last day to postmark applications for absentee ballots, and November 5 is the last day to apply in person for and postmark an absentee ballot, which must be received by November 19.
Finally, November 6 is the last day to deliver the absentee ballot in person to the County Board of Elections. Ballots must be delivered to the board by someone other than the voter. For additional voter registration information, visit www.elections.ny.gov.