NYS Assembly Internship Opportunities

New York State Assemblyman Fred Thiele has announced that the New York Assembly is currently accepting new applicants for its 2019 Session Internship program in Albany, NY. This program offers college students the opportunity to participate in state government and legislative processes in an academic environment. Depending on the student’s college, interns will likely receive a full semester of college credits that will be revalidated by the National College Credit Recommendation Service. Each intern in the January 7 to May 15 2019 period will also receive a $6200 stipend from the Assembly Intern Committee.
Students who wish to apply must do so through their colleges or universities in accordance with the deadline established by the academic institution. Applications must be postmarked by November 1; however, extensions are usually granted if requested by the campus representative.
For additional information on the program and the application process, email intern@nyassembly.gov, visit nyassembly.gov/internship/, or call 518-455-4704.