Kinsella Runs For Trustee

Si Kinsella is probably the only citizen abruptly removed from a citizen’s advisory committee, and he’s proud of it.
He hopes his potential stint on the East Hampton Town Trustees will last longer.
Last month Kinsella was added to the slate of trustee candidates on the new Fusion ticket. The Fusion Party is closely aligned with the Independence Party and Republican Party in East Hampton and includes some Democrats. Though a Democrat in the past, “the Republicans here are more concerned with the environment,” Kinsella said.
“I’ve always enjoyed the Trustees. They are passionate. I want to contribute,” he added.
A critic of the proposed South Fork Wind Farm, Kinsella has recently emerged as an advocate for the installation of a filtration system in Wainscott Pond.
A one-time member of the Wainscott Citizens Advisory Committee, Kinsella was not reappointed by the East Hampton Town Board in 2019. He was the only member out of 16 to suffer that dubious fate.
It was Kinsella who accused the town board of covering up the contamination of the hamlet’s drinking water, and he was on the forefront of the decision to supply well owners with county water.