Dan's GrillHampton Countdown: Speedy Romeo's Justin Bazdarich
Get to know Justin Bazdarich, chef and owner of NYC’s Speedy Romeo, before trying his delectable cooking at Dan’s GrillHampton on Friday, July 19.
First word (or words) that comes to mind when you hear “Taste of Summer.”
You can invite three people, living or dead, to your dinner party. Who are they, and what would that meal be?
Jerry Garcia, Janis Joplin, Ram Dass.
What’s your favorite dish to prepare, and do you enjoy eating it as much as preparing it?
Popcorn cooked in bacon fat with a crisp sour apple on the side.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Be humble!
Share your funniest/most unforgettable/oddest kitchen incident.
I once dropped $2,000 worth of plates on Jean-Georges’s feet.
Who do you most admire in the food world?
Jacques Pepin. He is just an incredible cook. I always learn from his videos.
What is going to be the “next big thing” on the East End food scene?
What are your hobbies/passions/interests outside the world of food, wine and work?
Photography! See what I do on Instagram @bazdarich.
Tell us a secret…
Secrets aren’t meant to be told.
What’s the oddest request you’ve ever received from a diner?
A woman with no teeth ordered scallops so that she could suck the juice out of them and then put them back on her plate.
What’s the ultimate cocktail?
Cucumber Mezcal margarita.
What talent would you most like to have?
To paint artistically.
What’s your comfort food and why?
Pasta with tomato sauce. I’ve eaten it all my life.
What is the most memorable thing you’ve ever tasted?
Rabbit brains at El Bulli.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Being a dad!
What’s a unique kitchen ritual you practice?
I meditate before service.
If you were not in the food or wine business, what would you be doing?
Full-time photographer.
What has surprised you the most about working in the East End culinary scene?
The fresh produce.
What is your go-to karaoke song?
“Easy (Like Sunday Morning)” by Lionel Richie.
It’s your last weekend on earth—what’s the menu?
Cheeseburgers, fresh tomato salad, corn on the cob, potato chips, pickles.
We just handed you a glass of bubbly. Now please make a toast to summer on the East End:
Cheers! Thank you!
For more information on Speedy Romeo, visit speedyromeo.com. For tickets and more information on all Dan’s Taste of Summer events, visit DansTaste.com.