Dan's Best of the Best 2019 Ballots Are Open: Vote Today!
Everyone has an East End favorite, a place or a product or even a person that you always describe as, simply, the best. The best lobster roll in the Hamptons? Yes, you know it. The best performing arts center on the North Fork? You have tickets for every weekend. The best electrician? You know the number by heart. The best family attraction? You’re already pulling out your phone to share the 150 photos you took there last week with the kids. The best…well, you get the picture. Yes, the Hamptons and the North Fork are home to the best of everything, from food to fashion to family fun, and it’s a point of pride when you can share your insights on where to find the best of the best.
RELATED: Dan’s Best of the Best 2018 Winners!
Well, your moment has arrived once more. The biggest—dare we say, best—competition on the East End is back! Dan’s Best of the Best voting is underway for 2019, and the time to celebrate and honor your favorite Hamptons and North Fork businesses and personalities is now. Head to DansBOTB.com every day, where you can vote for every one of your local favorites.
Each year, our readers cast hundreds of thousands of votes in more than 400 categories in South Fork and North Fork divisions, in areas including Arts & Entertainment, Food & Drink, Home & Personal Services, Restaurants & Nightlife, Wellness & Beauty, Pet & Animal Services, Professional Services, Recreation Travel & Tourism, Shopping, and Wine & Wineries.
Now is the time to let us and fellow Dan’s Papers readers know who makes the Best Burger, where to find the Best Museum, who serves up the Best Mexican Cuisine, who provides the Best Pool Service, where to find the Best Auto Dealer and more.
As always, winners will be given Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze awards based on how many votes they receive—and a few of the most stalwart champions may make it to our annual Dan’s Best of the Best Hall of Fame class.
The 2019 contest closes at 11:59 p.m. on October 31, so hurry and start voting today! Once all the votes are counted (this year, rankings will not be viewable during the voting stage—every business will stay in their alphabetical position until the contest closes). Each victor will be invited to collect their awards at our annual Dan’s Best of the Best Celebration later this year (more details on that are forthcoming, so be on the lookout), but that’s only part of the reward for winning. Additionally, our Best of the Best winners are featured throughout the year in various Best of the Best Spotlight articles on DansPapers.com and in Dan’s Papers, giving readers a more in-depth view of the very best the East End has to offer.
To vote, you must log on to DansBOTB.com, where you will be asked to create a username and password. Once you have signed up, you can vote once per category per day. So, if you really love a business, a restaurant or a local personality, show them some love by casting your votes every day.