Demo Begins On EH’s Old Town Hall
Demolition began on Monday, August 5, on the old East Hampton Town Hall building, which was built in the 1960s. Unoccupied since 2010, the building was rendered obsolete by the donation of several historic structures by Adelaide de Menil to the town in 2007. Those buildings were converted into what is now the East Hampton Town government complex, including the new Town Hall, which is in a spacious historic barn.
The old Town Hall has been deteriorating since it was abandoned, and was plagued with asbestos issues, as well as a leaking roof. The town’s communication lines have all been rerouted out of the 1960s-era building, and the new lines mapped out with a global positioning system, giving the town an up-to-date, complete picture of where all communications and utility lines are located on the Pantigo Road campus.
The demolition is expected to take a week, town Supervisor Peter Van Scoyoc announced in a press release. “The site will be restored with clean fill, planted with grass, and may eventually serve as the site of town offices that would be consolidated onto the campus from outlying sites to improve efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and service to the public, though a construction project is not currently planned,” the supervisor said.