Solving Kids’ Cancer
On Monday, August 5, Solving Kids’ Cancer, an NYC-based nonprofit, held its second annual Summer Luncheon at Tutto il Giorno in Southampton for over 70 guests.
In attendance were hosts Cristina Cuomo, Andrea Greeven Douzet, Lindy Gad, Jan Planit, and Bonnie Young, who were joined by Celia Babini, Sharyn Bradford, Glenn Bradford, Lydia Carlston, Michelle Clark, Christina De Marval, Haiki Feldman, Pamela Fiori, Chloe Gad, Pauline Gad, Lucia Hwong Gordon, Alison Harmelin, Bernat Heinberg, Ashton Holloway, Gigi Howard, Alex Lennon, Beth O’Donnell, Jill Stuart, Stephanie Shnay, Linda Silverman, Isabel Tonelli, and Silke Tsitiridis.
Andrea Greeven Douzet welcomed guests and thanked them supporting Solving Kids’ Cancer and its childhood cancer research programs.