East Hampton Village Bans Leaf Blowers
A controversial East Hampton Village ban of the commercial use of gas and diesel-powered leaf blowers is in effect for the summer season.
The village sent out an email last week reminding residents and landscapers the law will become official New Year’s Day.
The one exception to the ban, which is in effect from June 1 through Labor Day, is in cases where the mayor of the village declares a state of emergency following a major storm.
A first-time offender will face a possible $250 to $1000 fine. Those fines go up to $500 and $2500 for second-time offenders, and $1000 to $5000 for a third.
The ban does not affect homeowners or tenants who want to work on his or her garden or properties themselves, though there are curfews in place for such circumstances.
The Board of Trustees for the Village of East Hampton approved the amendment to the village code July 31.
Owners of landscaping companies expressed opposition to the law. At a June 21 meeting, Trustee Arthur Graham countered, “We realize we are taking a productive tool out of your hands. The residents of the village have told us in no uncertain terms that it is a tool they want taken out of your hands, at least for the summer period.”
Becky Molinaro Hansen, village administrator, said this week that the village will be sending out mailers to landscapers, reminding them of the ban, as well as of another amendment, which requires landscaping companies to register with the village. There is now an annual fee of $200 for each company, as well as an additional $10 fee per truck used by the company.