High Holy Days

The Jewish Center of the Hamptons in East Hampton is holding Rosh Hashanah services to bring in the year 5880 on Sunday, September 29, at 8 PM, a morning service on Monday, September 30, at 10 AM, followed by the traditional Tashlich (“casting out”) at Main Beach at 4:30 PM. For more information, visit www.jcoh.org.
Chabad of the Hamptons is celebrating Sunday evening with a candle-lighting ceremony at 6:17 PM, with evening services beginning at 6:20 PM, and a community dinner (RSVP required) at 7:30 PM. There will be a full day of services Monday, including the sounding of the shofar and Tashlich. Visit www.chabadofthehamptons.com for a full schedule.
Temple Adas Israel in Sag Harbor celebrates the beginning of the High Holy Days with services on Sunday at 6 PM (open to public) and at 8 PM (members only). There is another service on Monday at 10 AM, a family service at 3 PM, and Tashlich at Havens Beach at 4:15 PM.
Temple Israel in Riverhead hosts Rosh Hashanah services on Sunday at 7 PM, Monday at 9 AM, and a Tashlich at 6:15 PM on September 30 at Riverhead Park (weather permitting). There is also a service on Tuesday, October 1, with a luncheon following. Visit www.templeisraelriverhead.org for more details.
Services at the North Fork Reform Synagogue Sunday, September 29, begin at 7:30 PM. There’s a service on Monday morning at 10 AM, and Tashlich follows in New Suffolk. For more information, visit www.northforkreformsynagogue.org.
Congregation Tifereth Israel in Greenport offers services to bring in the Jewish New Year Sunday at 7:30 PM and Monday at 9:30 AM, followed by Tashlich at 1:30 PM. Visit www.tiferethisraelgreenport.org to learn more.