Hamptons Police Dept.'s Baby Cop Mascot Gets 'X-Treme' Reboot

Hamptons Police Department spokesman and decorated hero cop Rex Gallant is not one to accept failure or patiently await success. Following less than a month of mostly disinterest in his “Baby Cop” publicity campaign—which featured a baby police officer—the PR guru took decisive action to reboot the HD mascot’s look and overall feel.
“I’d hoped the Baby Cop initiative would take off like gangbusters, but for whatever reason, people aren’t connecting with the adorable, innocent little scamp,” Gallant said on Monday. “So I’ve ordered an immediate reboot of the character—he’s shedding the ‘kinder, gentler’ feel in exchange for something a bit more intense.”
Baby Cop X-Treme, which launches with a full social media push on Monday, March 9, reimagines the infant policeman as what Gallant describes as “a fully loaded, butt-kicking, crime-stopping baby SWAT team warrior, complete with tactical gear, armor and a no-holds-barred attitude.
“This baby isn’t taking guff from anyone,” Gallant says. “He’s a tough, capable cop who’s haunted by troubling memories from his dark past,” the spokesman continues. “Baby Cop X-Treme regularly ignores his chief’s orders and does what needs to be done, but he always gets his man—no matter the toll it takes on him personally or professionally. Folks are going to love him.”
Gallant also plans produce a Baby Cop X-Treme television series through LTV in East Hampton. He’s currently hosting casting calls and meetings for the show, primarily to secure the role of Baby Cop X-Treme’s long-suffering mother, who regularly complains that his dedication to the job is destroying their relationship and taking him away from his family. “We hope to get an A-list star in this part,” Gallant explains. “The rest will follow.”
Look for Baby Cop X-Treme on all your social media platforms, and on physical signs and billboards throughout the East End next week.