Three Charged With DWI In East Hampton
East Hampton Town police have arrested Montauk Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Laraine Creegan on driving while intoxicated charges for the second time in three years.
Creegan, 72, a Montauk resident, was driving a 2018 Lexus when she was stopped in downtown Montauk for alleged erratic driving Friday night. Her March 13 blood test showed twice the legal limit of alcohol in her blood, police said.
The incident took place not far from where she was pulled over in September 2017. After her arrest that year, her breath test showed a .08 reading, just high enough to satisfy a misdemeanor DWI charge.
Justice Lisa Rana warned Creegan during her March 14 arraignment that even though the prior misdemeanor charge was plea-bargained down to a simple violation, that noncriminal conviction may prohibit the court from issuing a hardship license that would allow Creegan to drive to and from her job at the Chamber of Commerce in downtown Montauk, where she has been employed since 2004. Creegan is set to retire soon, and the chamber has been actively seeking her replacement.
Creegan was one of three arrested on DWI charges this past weekend.
Christian Huanga-Sigua, 25, of Northwest Woods, was arrested on a DWI charge around midnight Friday by town police, and Jeff Peretz, 51, of Manhattan was locked up by East Hampton Village police the night of March 14. Both were held overnight and released following their arraignments with suspended driver’s licenses.
Over the prior two weeks, there were only two arrests made on DWI charges in East Hampton.
One of those followed an accident on Old Stone Highway not far from Springs School at about 8:30 AM on March 5. Angel Caininagua-Sanchez was behind the wheel of a 2011 Toyota pickup when he lost control of the truck and crashed off the road, police said. There were no passengers in the car with Caininagua-Sanchez, who was unharmed.