Town Assisting East Hampton Seniors

The Town of East Hampton is continuing to prioritize care for the senior population amid the spread of COVID-19. While the senior center on Springs Fireplace Road has been closed since March 10, and will remain so until further notice, the site is now being used by the town to prepare and distribute frozen meals to seniors in need.
On Monday, March 23, the town’s human services department began using curbside service to distribute the meals. It has 150 meals available, which are prepared fresh and frozen daily. Due to Suffolk County regulations, the department is not allowed to directly distribute hot meals.
Those 60 and older can call 631-329-6939 to arrange pickup of five frozen dinners, or have them delivered to their home.
The department is also referring clients to Meals on Wheels, “which provides a sandwich for lunch and a hot meal for dinner,” a press release stated. “Meals on Wheels has informed the town that the company is ready to assist, and has no intentions of slowing down.”
Human service department workers can also help seniors with their food shopping needs and pick up prescriptions. They can also transport seniors to their doctor appointments.
The town has a list of over 500 seniors who have special needs, such as those who are handicapped, need oxygen, or are on dialysis. Those on the list are being contacted every other day.