Dan's Papers 2020 Southampton Town Beach Guide

Southampton Town will implement a phased reopening and staffing of beaches this summer. Beginning on May 23, three beaches—Ponquogue, Sagg Main and Foster Memorial—will operate on weekends and will be staffed with lifeguards and beach attendants from 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Restrooms will be open, and concessions will operate as takeout only. Seasonal parking permits will be available at these three beaches and by mail to all Southampton Town homeowners and renters, both year-round residents and summer non-residents. All 2019 parking permits are valid through June 30, and no daily passes will be offered this year. Parking permits are required at all official beaches (Tiana, Ponquogue, Foster Memorial, Flying Point, Sagg Main, Pikes, Mecox and W. Scott Cameron) and access roads through Labor Day, and non-resident permits are not valid at W. Scott Cameron Beach.
No picnic tables or benches will be available at this time, and visitors must adhere to social distancing guidelines. Congregating in groups, playing contact sports and sharing equipment are banned. Beachgoers must also wear facial coverings and footwear on boardwalks and pavilions, in restrooms and when within six feet of others. The situation will be assessed weekly, with hopes of staffing more beaches in June and operating seven days a week in July.
UPDATE In conformance with NYS guidelines, Ponquogue Beach, Sagg Main Beach and Long Beach may be subject to temporary parking lot closures over Memorial Day weekend if they exceed 50% beach capacity. Dependent on lot size and beachfront capacity, other Town beaches may have portions of their parking lots closed off, and may also stop entry into parking lots if it is determined that they are exceeding 50% capacity.
Visit southamptontownny.gov for updates and more info.

Southampton Town Beaches
Mecox Beach (Ocean beach at 535 Jobs Lane)
Ocean Road (Ocean beach at the end of Ocean Road)
W. Scott Cameron Beach (Ocean beach at 425 Dune Road)
East Quogue
Dolphin Lane (Ocean beach at the end of Dolphin Lane)
Hot Dog Beach (Ocean Beach at 35 Dune Road)
Triton Lane (Ocean beach at the end of Triton Lane)
Hampton Bays
East Landing Road (Bay beach at 17 East Landing Road)
Mermaid Lane (Ocean beach at the end of Mermaid Lane)
Ponquogue Beach (Ocean beach at 280 Dune Road)
Road H (Ocean beach at the end of Road H)
Road I (Ocean beach at the end of Road I)
Road K (Ocean beach at the end of Road K)
Road L (Ocean beach at the end of Road L)
Sand Bar Beach (Ocean beach at 32 Dune Road)
Sunset Avenue (Bay beach at the end of Sunset Avenue)
Tiana Beach (Ocean beach at 90 Dune Road)
West Landing Road (Bay beach at the end of West Landing Road)
Foster Memorial Beach (Bay beach at 1000 Long Beach Road)
Gibson Lane (Ocean beach at the end of Gibson lane)
Peters Pond Lane (Ocean beach at the end of Peters Pond Lane)
Sagg Main Beach (Ocean beach at 315 Sagg Main Road)
Cold Spring Road (Bay beach at the end of Cold Spring Road)
Water Mill
Flying Point Beach (Ocean beach at 1055 Flying Point)
Westhampton Dunes
Pikes Beach (Ocean beach at 765 Dune Road)