Dan's Papers 2020 Westhampton Beach Village Beach Guide

Access to Rogers Beach and Lashley Beach is limited to Westhampton Beach Village taxpayers and year-round village renters, for passive, short-term use, and there are currently no plans to issue non-resident and seasonal renter permits for the 2020 season. WHB Village will honor 2019 resident stickers and walk-on passes, which include village taxpayers, occupied commercial businesses and year-round renters. Residents who did not receive or no longer have their 2019 vehicle stickers or walk-on passes may obtain replacements at Rogers Beach, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. daily. Stickers and passes are required through Labor Day.
Social distancing must be observed, and group contact activities including volleyball, football and other sports are prohibited. Facial coverings are required at all times other than when individuals are seated at the appropriate distance from others. The beaches have attendants present to enforce parking, facial coverings and social distancing rules. Violations may result in the suspension or revocation of beach privileges for the season.
The restrooms, showers, concession stand and upper deck area will remain closed until further notice, and no lifeguards will be present. Parking in the lots will be reduced by 50% and beachgoers are asked to voluntarily limit the duration of their stay to give others a turn.
To learn more and get updates, visit westhamptonbeach.org.

Westhampton Beach Village Beaches
Rogers Beach (Ocean beach at 105 Dune Road)
Lashley Beach (Ocean beach at 385 Dune Road)