NYSDOT Proposes Repaving Route 114

After securing funding in the state budget, the New York State Department of Transportation proposed an amendment to the Transportation Improvement Plan to authorize the repaving of Route 114.
The proposed amendment would put aside $13.1 million for the resurfacing of approximately eight miles of Route 114 from Stephen Hands Path to South Ferry. The design phase of the project would occur this year and construction would begin in 2021. It was also proposed that the Transportation Improvement Plan be amended to provide funding in the interim for preventive maintenance and drainage repair of the state road this year.
“Senator Ken LaValle and I have long advocated for the repair of NY 114, which is one of the most heavily-traveled corridors on the East End of Long Island,” said state Assemblyman Fred Thiele, urging expeditious adoption so design may begin. “This stretch of Route 114 is in dire need of repair, and I am pleased that the DOT has proposed this long overdue repaving to protect the safety of all motorists on the East End.”
The pair said traffic volumes have continued to grow exponentially, and that increased volume has taken its toll on the road. Route 114 has become an alternative path for many east-west travelers seeking to avoid traffic congestion on Montauk Highway between Southampton and East Hampton. It serves not just local traffic but is an interstate link from New England to the South Fork for the many travelers that utilize the Cross Sound Ferry between New London, CT and Orient Point.
“I am pleased that the DOT has recognized the importance of this project and thank them for moving forward with much-needed resurfacing and repairs,” LaValle said. “Assemblyman Thiele and I have long prioritized this project as it is critically important to our constituents and those travelling to and from our region.”
The reconfiguration of Route 114’s intersection with Stephen Hands Path has also been discussed to more safely handle increased traffic volumes.