Cross Sound Ferry Resumes Normal Schedule

Cross Sound Ferry is beginning its daily departures once again.
The company announced on Thursday that starting on Friday, June 12, hourly departures would begin from both Orient Point and New London, CT, after departures slowed during the height of COVID-19.
The updated schedule through July is posted on its website. August’s schedule will be available soon.
Customers are required to wear cloth face coverings while on the boats.
To minimize exposure, the ferry is limiting the handling of boarding tickets from passengers with reservations. When arriving at the terminal, passengers are asked to keep their car window up and press their reservation number against the window, so a check-in agent can read it. Tickets will be printed and placed on the windshield.
Those traveling in a vehicle are allowed to stay inside of it during the trip. Vehicle capacities have been lowered to ensure there is adequate space to allow everyone to freely exit and enter their vehicle while the vessel is underway. Vehicle engines must remain off during the trip.
If you choose to get out of the vehicle or are a walk-on passenger, you are encouraged to spread out while sitting on board to maintain a safe distance.
Cleaning has also been increased. All vessel restrooms, food service areas, countertops, tables, door knobs, railings, and other frequently touched surfaces are being sanitized between every trip. Crew are deep cleaning and sanitizing at night while vessels are not operating.
The ferry company asks that passengers avoid traveling if they are sick.