Senior Wish Wall Supports Graduates

You can count on Kate Mueth, artistic director and founder of the performance art/dance theater company The Neo-Political Cowgirls to find a way to pivot in these pandemic times — pivoting is, of course, a form of dance.
In lieu of performing for now, Mueth has found other ways to show her creativity, including Mother’s Day missives full of art and poetry that were offered in May, and now a chance for parents and others in the community to show, in writing, their wishes for the East Hampton High School class of 2020.
“Where can we make art? What is our message to humanity? And I don’t mean that arrogantly,” she said.
The result is a visual congratulatory celebration “Together/Apart,” an art installation project for the EHHS graduating seniors. Participants will come to the high school and be given a square of fabric on which they can write a congratulatory wish, poem, or bit of wisdom. The squares will then be hung on the fence at the high school to celebrate the seniors. The project hopes to give support in sending the graduates off onto their next journey in life during these challenging times.
“We have in-school programs that have been paused, and so much of what we try to do is respond to our community, not with what we think, but more ‘How can we help present a coping mechanism or a way to have a conversation through the arts?’” Some of NPC’s annual school programs include the Hero Project, January Girls, and Dudes’ Eye View.
“It’s a way for our seniors to feel supported,” she said. “And I know that East Hampton High School is doing some beautiful things for them. We reached out to Adam Fine and Rich Burns, and Heather Evans, an art teacher there, to see if they would be amenable to this idea of creating a wish wall, allowing anyone in the community to come and write on these squares of bright fabric. They can write their wishes, or words of support.” The fabric will then be assembled on twine, and hung on display.
Those interested in adding a positive note are invited to come to the East Hampton High School on Tuesday, June 23 and Wednesday, June 24 between 9 AM and 4 PM. All social distancing protocols will be in effect. Each participant must wear a mask or face cover, and only one person/family will be allowed to the table at a time to take part. Time slots in increments of five to 10 minutes will be given to each person or family to add their written message. All patrons must be six or more feet apart in observance of social distancing protocols. Materials are all provided.
“It can be for the whole class, or just one student. It can be a poem, or something you draw, it can be anything. It’s hopefully meant to convey a feeling to this class of people who should be celebrating that the community is celebrating with them, and holding them during these difficult times,” Mueth said.