STOP Day Arrives in East Hampton

East Hampton Town residents: Grab those hazardous household materials, like paint thinners and aerosol cans. Saturday, June 27, is Stop Throwing Pollutants Out Day, otherwise known as STOP Day, in East Hampton.
Residents are permitted to dispose of chemicals at the East Hampton Recycling Center on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The date at the Montauk Transfer Station is not until November 7. The STOP Days are sponsored by the East Hampton Town Sustainability Committee.
For many years, it was always held on the third Saturday of May and the third Saturday of October for Montauk. Coupled with COVID-19 and the fact that the town is using a different company this year, the dates were postponed slightly.
Among the items accepted for the STOP program are antifreeze, household batteries, bleach, bug and rodent killers, disinfectants, kerosene, oil-based paints, varnish, weed killers, polishes and wood preservatives, and fertilizers with herbicides.
Commercial businesses are not eligible to bring hazardous waste to the STOP Day.
When bringing items for disposal, residents are asked to wrap leaking containers in newspapers and place in a plastic bag or large container, as well as make sure all caps and lids are right. The town also asks that people wear gloves when handling containers.